Wednesday, 15 February 2012

About Me!

I'm not completely sure why I've decided to write a blog if I'm honest. It was sold to me as a way of expressing myself and writing down my thoughts and believe me, I have a lot of them!

As this is my first ever post I thought I'd just introduce myself so here it goes...

My name is Victoria, I'm 23 years old and I live in the delightful rural county of Leicestershire smack bang in the middle of the country.
I'm a first year student nurse but am currently on a break from uni after a long illness and frequent bouts of hospital visits. More about that later...
I have 3 older brothers, a cat and a dog and I live with my parents.

That's it for now as I should really be asleep considering it's 2:20am but I'm sure I'll be on here a lot when I feel the need to vent or just type some rubbish.

Chow for now :)

Toria x


  1. welcome to blogging! =]
    look forward to seeing how you use this space

    Tanesha x

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere, sweetheart!
